For Daycare Centers wishing to offer their children a healthy and fun fitness activity, VIGS has long provided specialized classes tailored just to their needs! This program is designed to foster the growth of the child as they learn to develop fundamental motor skills and improve their overall fitness level. They will experience balancing, hopping, jumping, leaping, running, rolling, bending, stretching, hanging, swinging and other essential motor patterns for progression not only in gymnastics, but in any other sport or activity as well! As USA Gymnastics likes to say, "Begin Here... Go Anywhere!"
And while the body gets a workout, so will their minds! Experts agree that perceptual-motor development enhances academic/cognitive learning. That's a great benefit for young children! And all the while, they're having great fun too!
If you are a parent of a child in a daycare or pre-school center, ask if they participate in our gymnastics program. If not, let your director know about the opportunity for their center to experience the fun activities here at VIGS!
If you are the Director of a daycare or pre-school center looking for fun, exciting and beneficial activities to offer your families, then give us a call! We'll work with you to schedule a mutually beneficial time to give your students a great experience at an affordable price! Ask us about our special incentive pricing too! Call today at 804-276-7039 for more information!
Daycare Gymnastics Details:
We love the location and staff ~ lots of class options to fit busy parents schedules! - Christy Moulton